She is still doing great. The latest cultures are showing NO infection and her chest X-Ray is looking good. Praise God! She is still have a few desats in her breathing so they are trying to wait for those to slow down before taking her off the vent. They have tuned it down to 10 which means she is pretty much breathing on her own and it is set to 21% oxygen which is what we breathe.
Her weight is fluctuating between 2 pds. 6 oz and 2 pds. 7 oz, but I think that will increase quickly as she is getting her feedings upped each day. Today she was getting 2 ML every hour and digesting it all, so they will keep increasing it. A baby her size should be eating 20ML every three hours, so she has a ways to go.
Sorry I haven't gotten any new pictures, they are keeping it pretty dark in her room, just all a part of simulating the womb.
She is doing so well that it is almost disappointing that she isn't growing faster but we have to continually tell ourselves that she is really just at 30 weeks and should still be inside mommy for the next 10 weeks. We are getting a visual of the growth that happens inside mommy, which is pretty cool if you think about it!
Not surprising, we can add the word Patience to the list of things God is teaching us! Not a word that anyone likes to hear but we HAVE to TRUST that God is in control and be PATIENT.
But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. James 1:4
Lord, help me to Trust You and wait Patiently for you to continue your work in Mylah.
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