Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Happy 1 Week Birthday!

It is so hard to believe that it has been a week since our little Mylah entered the world!

We went the hospital today with the anticipation of Bailey getting to Kangaroo her, but we also knew that it would have to be perfect circumstances because they only think of Mylah's well being (as it should be). She did not get to hold her today because Mylah had had a few bradies today. Not too many but they just wanted to let her rest and not get excited yet. Bailey did well with it, she knows in time it will happen and we do NOT want to rush anything.

Her vitals are all holding steady and as we said yesterday, she is back on the CPAP and not the vent, so she is basically breathing on her own again. The Infection is still looking like it just a small one in her lungs but not bad and they are continuing the anitbiotics for a few more days.

She had not been fed for a couple of days because she was not digesting well so they tried it again today and at 4 pm she had digested all they had given her today and so the feedings were continuing at a rate of 1 ml every four hours!

We just got word this evening from Grandma and Grandpa Hulslander that when they were there the nurses weighed Mylah and she weighs.........drum roll please.............2 pounds and FIVE ounces! Yes, hallelujah she gained TWO ounces and is almost back to birth weight!

Oh the little things that excite us these days but I want to give the Glory to God for EVERY step she takes.

Daddy changed her diaper today, I think he needs some more practice, but he did good!

I love to watch Mom and Dad look at her!

Happy 1 Week Birthday, Mylah! Nana Loves you so much!

Once again, we still have some bracelets if you would like one and we covet your continued prayers. Also, we know that God has already used Mylah in many lives, and we would like to hear about it. Leave your comments below telling us and Mylah (we will keep all of them and put them in a book for her) how God has used her in your life.

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