She has been gaining weight, she is up to 2 pds 12 ounces! So excited to see her edging closer to that THREE pound mark!
They removed the vent tube Tuesday and put her back on CPAP and she is doing well. Her feedings are up to 7.5mls per hour and they will continue to up it.
Wednesday evening when mommy and daddy got there her heart rate started rising and went to 220 BPM. The alarms were sounding and the nurses went into action, getting X-rays and blood work. The Nurse Practitioner thought it might be an infection but Praise God the blood work showed none. An EKG was done and proved nothing was wrong with her heart, Thanks be to God! The final diagnosis was that she had too much caffeine in her system, therefore they quit the caffeine for now. As of today her rate was in the 160's to 170's which is pretty much where it has been.
Mommy has gotten to hold her every day for a couple of hours and I think Daddy is going to take over tomorrow and get to hold her for the first time!
Once again we are so thankful to all of you who have been following this blog and on facebook and are willing to cry out to God when things happen like Wednesday and to pray for her each day. I have heard from so many people who are praying and churches who have her on their prayer lists and for that we are so thankful and blessed. We many never know how far reaching her little life has been used to bless others. We would love to hear from those of you who are praying. Leave a comment below or email
You KNOW we are praying but what a blessing to attend church here in NC for the first time last Sunday and have several ask about Mylah. SO many are praying here too!!!