Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Getting sooooo close to going HOME!

Bailey just sent me this text and it is soooo exciting!

She is on regular nasal oxygen through the wall oxygen (NO MACHINE) and it is at .5 liters, which is barely any! The nurse is slowly weaning it through out the day to see how much Mylah can tolerate! They also may put the feeding tube through her nose today and out of her mouth so she will be able to get a better suction while eating.  The feeding she is getting now is called bolus feeding which means she gets it all in like 15 minutes instead of slowly over an hour, and then they wait 2 hours and 45 min to give her any more. This is teaching her to eat and get hungry! She weighs 5 pounds 9.5 ounces and her bed temperature is down to 27.5, meaning she is almost able to be in an open bed!
We totally give God all the honor and glory and praise for all He has brought her through.
Keep praying warriors, we are almost ready to take her home, but even that will be a transition we will need your prayers on.

The last two pics were yesterday, I opened the "port hole" on her bed and started talking to her and she was smiling and trying to make noise!!!!!
Love this little girl!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Eight weeks!

Wow, time has flown by! It seems like yesterday we were pacing the halls of the hospital and crying out to God to keep Mylah in her mommy at least for a couple of days so the steroids would work. He was faithful to answer our prayers then and He continues to be faithful today as He will in the future.

Today she hit the FIVE pound mark! Five pounds seemed so far away when she was born! She is trying to learn to nurse and/or drink from a bottle and is doing well as they continue to turn down her oxygen levels.

She still has a few desats and bradies but as she gains weight that should all stop.

Now comes the hard part, since she is getting so big and doing well our anxiousness has kicked in and we want her home! She is close we know and we don't want to rush it but we long for the day that she is in our arms in her home!

As you think of her please pray that her strength would continue to grow and that she would begin to eat on her own.  The nurse said that one day a light bulb would just go off in her head and she would begin to eat without choking or forgetting to breathe while she eats. So this is what we need to be praying about now!

Thanks again faithful warriors and we look forward to sharing her with you all!

She sleeps with her mouth open just like her daddy!!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Breathing TOTALLY on her own!

Mylah is 7 weeks old and is totally breathing on her own! Pray that it continues and that they she NEVER has to go back to the CPAP!

She weighs 4 pounds 3 ounces and is up to 37 mils of food, which is given to her over a two hour period and then she gets nothing for an hour. This is to help her start getting the feeling of being hungry.

Our hope and prayer is that she will get to start trying to nurse this week. She is sucking a pacifier pretty good, but the "talent" of sucking, swallowing and breathing all at the same time is one she will have to learn.

Technically she is 35 weeks in gestation age so she is getting close to her original "birth" date.

We can not thank everyone enough for all your prayers, love and concern through the past 7 weeks. Please do not take her off your prayer list just yet. Continue to pray that she tolerate all the changes they are trying to get her used to and that she continue to gain weight and strength.

This is sweet Mylah today! If you look closely it even looks like she is getting a double chin!!

I have to say that I am one happy NANA! I got to hold my little princess Mylah for the first time yesterday! It felt good, even with all the wires!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Can't believe its been SIX weeks!

Mylah is doing well. She is still struggling to get over that 3 pound 11 ounce mark!

She has been on 5 days of steroids and they gave her blood today, which usually perks her up ALOT.

Our prayer request is that you all agree with us that her lungs will improve enough to get off the CPAP and that she will begin to be able to suck a pacifier so that she can start trying to eat for real!

I know God is in control and He has it all under his timing and not ours! But we are anxious to move on to the next step that will get her home!

Thank you so much for your continued concern and prayers.

Here is the precious baby you are praying for: