She has gained 1 ounce which is great because she had lost 3 ounces but with this gain we are believing that her weight will continue to gain. Papa and I stayed a couple of hours with her today and she did have a couple of "Brady Episodes" but she "fixed" herself. In other words her heart rate dropped but she immediately started right back up with no stimulation.
They came and took the CPAP machine from her room so we are excited that they don't think she will not need it again and pray that this is true.
Her feedings were upped to every four hours instead of every six, however she wasn't digesting it fast enough so they bumped it back down. This is not considered a set back, they are just trying to figure out what she can tolerate and obviously she is not ready for that much food, however they said she has to be challenged.
Prayers now should be for her that the Brady's stop happening, her breathing continues to do well and that her digestion kicks in better and of course for her weight.
I continue to be challenged each time I go with the question, "Who are you trusting?" I see all that Technology has brought to the medical field and the things that they can do to help her but I can't trust that, I HAVE to trust God. Today, there were several alarms go off on her while we were there, some were because her continual kicking pulled off the wires! Others were because her heart rate dipped momentarily. The nurse assigned to her at the time carries a phone that is to ring when there is an alarm and it will show them what the problem is, however Deb had to go get her nurse one time because she didn't hear her phone. Now I think that is totally UNacceptable however God once again reminds me that He is ultimately in control. Do I think that gets this nurse off the hook? NO! But as I left there uneasy about what happened I am asked.......Who Am I Going To Trust?
Mommy Taking my temperature
Hello World!!
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